
ICOR Technology is donating Robots to Ukraine

Ottawa, ON – ICOR Technology Inc. and our partners Damasec and Proparms Ltd. are partnering with Canadian Technology Systems (CTS) and Danish Support Group Ukraine – the latter has established a network in Ukraine to ensure that support initiatives end up where they are needed – for multi-donation aid to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. […]

RCMP deploys Mini-CALIBER® to investigate explosives in Saanich

The RCMP deploy the mini-CALIBER® robot to investigate explosives found in a car near the scene of a deadly bank shootout in Saanich⁠. Read More —⁠ ⁠ #minicaliber #eod #ied #bombdisposal⁠ #bombdisposalrobot #bombrobot #bombsquad #policerobot #hazmat

The mini-CALIBER® robot finds military-grade explosives in a Colorado Springs neighborhood

The mini-CALIBER®  finds military-grade explosives in a Colorado Springs neighborhood on Tuesday. Read more —⁠ ⁠ #minicaliber #eod #ied #bombdisposal⁠ #bombdisposalrobot #bombrobot #bombsquad #policerobot #hazmat